The Chronicles of Lancelot RPG has just been released on Steam guys! xD

Hey, our Gayeti-Unikorn gaymers! I just wanted to share with you all that Dik Journey and The Chronicles of Lancelot have been released on Steam! :3

Here is Dik Journey: (The Steam version is the Platinum edition, similar to the Early Bird version)

Here is The Chronicles of Lancelot: (The Steam version is the Gold edition)

If you already purchased our game Dik Journey or The Chronicles of Lancelot (Gold Edition) through Itch, Gumroad, or our affiliate before our release on Steam, I can give you a Steam key when the game is released on Steam. :3

We want to extend a big thank you to all of you for your support! Without you guys, we wouldn't have made it to these milestones :smile:

We're still working on the low-spec version to release it ASAP, along with the Lancelot expansion! :heart: Please wait for us.

Warm regards

Gayeti-Unikorn ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฆ„

P.S: For any issues or questions, connect with us on Discord:, email (, or our social pages (Twitter, We're here to ensure your experience is seamless.


The Chronicles of Lancelot User Manual.pdf 2.4 MB
Feb 05, 2024

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(1 edit)

I wrote via about obtaining a steam key, and will the expansion packs be available on steam too, or should I just buy them now through here? 

yes it will available on Steam, too. but i suggest you should purchase before it release. cause when it is released the price will change :D