Final Countdown to Release!

Hey lovelies,

It’s finally happening—our game is done and ready to launch this week! We’re in the home stretch, polishing every detail and squashing those last pesky bugs to make sure everything shines as bright as you deserve.

Here’s a taste of the fabulousness waiting for you:

  • Summon System: Call forth dazzling allies and make the magic happen.

  • New Characters: Meet some truly iconic faces, each with their own unforgettable flair.

  • Strange Creatures: From quirky to downright fabulous, these creatures will leave you gagged.

  • Serving Justice: Say “nope” to homophobia and “yas” to love and equality as you lay down the law.

  • And many many more!

And let’s talk about that moment when our flag waves proudly in the game. It’s rare, it’s beautiful, and it’s unapologetically us.

We’re so excited for you to experience everything we’ve poured our hearts into. The countdown has begun, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts, see your reactions, and celebrate together!

With all the love and rainbows,

Warm regards, Gayeti - Unikorn 🌈✨ 🦄 

 P.S. Got questions or need help? Reach out to us anytime on Discord: 

 email (, or our social pages (Twitter, We're here to ensure your experience is seamless.

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I can't wait, but I will. I'm excited for this game again and again


So many weeks past,  I do not receive the game

(1 edit)

sorry Icery, our coder has been off 2 weeks for the Lunar New Year we still need him to do some final tasks, the good news is he showed up on Monday :D


That "ready to launch this week!" statement was real premature, any updates? 


We had a speed bump, the last level made Unity building time take forever, we've created a new level and walked around that bug, the game will be up in a few days xD I'm sorry for the delay ^^!

(1 edit)

Quick question preordered it here back when it was 4.99, how are we going to receive the game, steam key or files to dl.

When the game is released, you'll receive it.

We’ll release it on Itch first! :D If you want to enjoy it early, you can download and play it there.

The Steam version will be available a few weeks later. :D


Thanx ive been coming here every day worried about whats been happening

sorry Grob, our coder has been off 2 weeks for the Lunar New Year we still need him to do some final tasks, the good news is he will show up this Monday :D


I cant wait for this!


Thank you! It will be out soon—I can’t wait either. 

 It’s even bigger than the base game! :3

We’re also looking forward to you guys enjoying it! :3